“NO Racism” & “HUMAN RIGHTS”…
“No racism” | HUMAN RIGHTS” – These are two campaigns initiated by UEFA as an association or at the initiative of players. Good actions, good commitment.
UEFA’s No to Racism campaign, which spans 60 matches in UEFA’s top club competition, aims to tackle discrimination and celebrate diversity. All activities around this campaign are designed to get “stars” to speak out or make a statement against discrimination. So far, so good. There may be effects of making people with a different mindset aware of abusive behavior towards discriminated groups of people. But should that be enough? Is participating in campaigns and raising a voice all we can do for people with lower acceptance in our society? How much will everyday life improve for discriminated people because of these campaigns? Are we making sure that we are helping discriminated people by being a part of the campaign, or would it be more helpful to actively help discriminated people? What about the little girl or boy in some part of the world, in Europe, maybe in Norway, maybe right next door to us? The girl or boy who is just trying to make it through discrimination? Do we know these cases? Do we help these people, or is it enough for them and us to watch the campaigns on TV to improve their daily lives?

We don`t know and don`t believe so. But we do know that there is more that could be done. We know there are girls and boys out there whose lives are negatively impacted by racism and discrimination. Wherever they come from, we ask them to raise their hands to let us know. We probably will not be able to improve everyone’s lives, but we can start by listening to them and supporting them as best as we can. And since children are our future, since children of ALL kinds truly deserve fair treatment, we would like to start helping these children. We would like to listen, care, and stand up for equal circumstances and humanity for every child in our profession in the field of soccer. No matter what nationality or skin color you are, no matter what your family situation is. No matter if you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer. You deserve to be seen as a human being with the same rights and you deserve to be taken seriously.
We are committed to this campaign and ask companies and institutions to support our activities to make your life a bit more peaceful and worth living.
To all girls and boys and their parents, please contact us. Tell us your story and your hurdles in your life regarding this issue.
To all companies and well-situated people, please support our activities. There needs to be a community to make life better for people who are discriminated. This is what we stand for.
We will support you by providing scholarships to as many girls and boys as possible so they can achieve their goals in the world of football. May your dreams become more and more realistic and well supported. Simply because EVERYONE deserves it.
Haxthaus and their players are fully committed to the cause. This is our understanding of #socialresponsibility
Please raise your hand, tell us your story and the reason why you need our support to improve your daily soccer life. Do not hesitate to apply for help and our support at:

This campaign is supported by: Andrine Tomter, Caroline Graham Hansen, Dejana Stefanovic, Elisabeth Terland, Emilie Bragstad, Emilie Joramo, Frida Maanum, Heidi Ellingsen, Ingrid Syrstad Engen, Marie Dølvik Markussen, Synne Skinnes Hansen, Thea Kyvåg, Tuva Hansen, Vilde Hasund